Conversations Overheard While Riding the Internet


“I am a human being!”
Mr. J. was thinking, “I’m a man who has zero interest in crime and I hope you are in.”

When I was seven years old,
I was in love with the number seven and redheads.


It will be interesting to see the tattoos.
I love it!            


They tattooed the walls

With their tears – remembering

childhood dreams breaking,

falling on damp ground,

like sad voices left by trains.




“Gee, Mayor Elliott, 40 years ago,
there was no shortage of steps that could be taken.


Those were the lyrics of his song and dance routine.

It is important, but at this point, as the film is playing
and the phone just started ringing, I would hope you remembered to check on the puppies.


Eighty years later, we get tattoos on the walls.
Eight years later, “The Tattoo Against Walls” was a big hit world wide.

Of course, it seemed like a lot of fun, L. H. Tang-Tang Sedka is not wrong !

The meaning of the lyrics do not seem like much fun, but it’s not a crime.

I hope you dare to keep that smile on your face when you explain the problem to dog breeders in Sprague and Ottawa.


It’s like seven years ago !


He just kept Dancing,………. around the issue all the time, even though the Mayor, Elliott T. Gould, could not have been better prepared !


As a society, it is impossible to follow you, if your name is Mr. J. T. I. Meme.


But what, after 42 years, you are the designer of this company ?

Thus, there will be plans for the puppies, after a complete evaluation.

There are eight, eight wonderful evening events planned now !


In twenty years, he will never forget !
Try to talk and break the ship.




Weeps the forward eye –

sad voices sing on the train –

remember her face…………

Forty years from now ……………….


Forty years on, there’s some funny-looking tattoos for men who are high.



Weeps the forward eye –

sad voices sing on the train –

remembering her –

How like the wind  it travels

by small towns – broken dreams.

For all of those twenty years, he never forgot !
Try to talk and break the ship.

Two small dogs are too high a price to pay to take that voyage now…………..


Try to get it to work, take care.

The party was higher than the noise in the kennel and louder than a patient with a Tattoo Drum in Ottawa.
Perhaps in the future, it will mean better care for patients and their puppies.

Not if your name is mud. Crime and gracious favours, hopefully cleaning up the operation will solve this problem.


You are narcissistic.

– That is impossible, I care too much for myself

to use narcicotics.

If you are watching a movie……….
and the phone starts ringing,

…… not react with the West Jet solution.

……….. – It was like a wave of secrets revealed after seven years;

the Dance began and they were everywhere.



the forward eye tears,

lost in a sigh – remorse – leaf,

falls to the damp ground.



Mayor E. T. Gould is now home!


  It ‘s Impossible!


If your name is associated with Art Therapy and the Ottawa Dogs for Health and Well-Being, perform the following steps:

Contact IAM concerning the purchase of fixed assets, investments, and professional organization for medical staff.

He began to forget the words of it after forty three

long empty years, ………………….


Bedevilled by a forward eye,

Lost by the sigh Remorse.

May I have this seat ?

I’m trying to say 40 in Danish !

After the nearby City of Tomorrow passed from view, the train moved speedily down the tracks and she sang

In 40 suns – 8 Scythes” in Danish ! It was very emotional.

Bane of Tomorrow is a forward eye.

She sang the songs –

“Language is a Golden Seal – Forty Danish Coins Fall in The Pool”


High Puppy Two – You are trying to Outdo the Other !” – That second song sounded beautiful in the original Italian dialect.

We arrived at the train station smiling with tears in our eyes.

You know, she was a member of the Art Therapy Association for many years. Still is, according to Mr. Meme, the Mayor of Slottingham Corners.


Remember her face

lost in a sigh – remorse dances,

falls still to the ground.

Please note: This composition was inspired by and in response to  the Haiku sequence, ” All I can say is ……” by errinspelling.


4 thoughts on “Conversations Overheard While Riding the Internet

    1. elmediat

      Your work is beautifully concise and controlled. I try to turn my weakness into a strength by emphasizing the fragmentary quality of communication. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. 😀

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