Dreams of The Cats of Ulthar

“It is said that in Ulthar, which lies beyond the river Skai, no man may kill a cat; and this I can verily believe as I gaze upon him who sitteth purring before the fire. For the cat is cryptic, and close to strange things which men cannot see. He is the soul of antique Aegyptus, and bearer of tales from forgotten cities in Meroe and Ophir. He is the kin of the jungle’s lords, and heir to the secrets of hoary and sinister Africa. The Sphinx is his cousin, and he speaks her language; but he is more ancient than the Sphinx, and remembers that which she hath forgotten.”

The Cats of Ulthar
H.P. Lovecraft






Ulthar is a village in the Dreamlands of Earth. Its people are known for their simplicity, superstitious nature and reverence of cats. In the village, it was forbidden for any citizen of the land to harm or kill a cat.

The Dream Cycle is a series of short stories and novellas by author H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) – the style and setting of this series was inspired by the fantasy stories Lord Dunsay. Written between 1918 and 1932, they are about the “Dreamlands”, a vast alternate dimension that can only be entered via dreams.

I have recently posted a Dreamlands prose poem composition (a postcard correspondence from “Tourists” visiting the Dreamlands realm) on the Asemic Tarot blog:

asemic postcards 193 & 195 – The Dreamland Tours

The Bride of Cthulhu ~ 3 wedding portraits




It was a phantasmagorical wedding. The bride’s veil was writhing in waves. Her voice full of excitement, it could be heard past the curvature of spacetime, and into the infinite eldritch fields and maddening twisted plains that extrude out of unfathomable depths to the outer edges of The Dreamlands.

Wedding Portraits by The Arkham Photography Studio

notes on the cat of Ulthar

Notes found with photos in a lost room of The Miskatonic University Library.


Is this the joy of midsummer?

Look at Hye-ryeon,

yes, come back for us!



The First, Cat Altar Carreg,

a quiet part of the palace

that escapes many dreams –

they were as quiet as a shadow

sculptures and fairy tales grew

where they slept;

but the lord covered them with seaweed,

puffy eyes and soft lips –

down the cursed passage

they heard but did not hear.



The altar cats were all but monstrous green lizards in a habitat of rubies, diamonds in the rough about to explode slowly and humbly with rough trees –



The cats, old and young, sang of Ulthar, and the creatures of the forest, all of whom had never been heard of before, were dancing slowly and obediently through the cursed halls below the dark and quiet outer halls, when they met those soft lips and soft ears – and one of their own.



After – the hill turned into a large water lizard,

the witches are good there –

until the last book.

Miskatonic University: Slumbering Waves of The Kashteshmyre Sea – Interactive Performance Art

Miskatonic University: Slumbering Waves of the Kashteshmyre Sea – Interactive Performance Art

The interactive performance art exhibit, Slumbering Waves of The Kashteshmyre Sea, will be held starting at midnight tonight, and run through to Monday 3:00 am. – make sure to take lots of photographs and proper precautions.

Here are a few photographic portals that will be included in the exhibit, with accompanying ritual verse and discordant haiku.



this infinity –

it is his confused dream-self

a lie – crossing gulfs.


such is Nasht-teh’g,
How much their souls fill gulfs?
The Shade – Aza’thoth.


amorphous blight of nethermost confusion speaks

mad there were in three hands –

man ever been that great fool

ones had reached buttressed dreams



I – If angels seek

sands have my Kadath dream voyage

no haven seen.


seeking human souls since time began

the black impious gulfs to search –

voyages incalculable local dangers blind gods

voiceless tenebrous stench swallows hymns


not only three, two had come

black and piping dancers slowly awkward

enter wells at that shocking cry

absurdly grows gigantic ultimate of vile



of the man’s soul

others weep, as speak Great Ones

with three eyes beyond.


by our insistent pleas, they reminded

daunting drums of the dreamlands

which blasphemes and bubbles at world

the slumbering waves surround Aldebaran’s hour


mindless other gods, whose souls crawl

the messengers gnaw hungrily, ate shadows

crossed and recrossed other dreamlands’ sand

gibbering caverns not agreeable


Note: for more see –

Dream Voyage of The Star Feather’s Challenge


PROCESS NOTE: The haiku and verses were composed, in part, using some online creative text. The source material was a wordy paragraph from H. P. Lovecraft’s Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath.

What if Wednesday: dream travels of Ichabahd Schmecks

From the dream travels of Ichabahd Schmecks


Later there arose by the seashore, huts on chicken legs, punk-polka taverns, and ghost-eating houses, and, after the first occupation, these formed a place of resort for all sorts of adventurers – it is good to have a lot of shifting land, so it is closed for a long time, plants grow seeds, you can go to Dusk’s line and plant seeds, then you can have more patience between biscuits, in these far away lands…..



That poisonous river, has its source about a score of miles inland, and flows over its broad bixbite bed, through saline and lime-charged soil, down to the oasis, wherefore the water contains much magnesia and memorabilia, and is in consequence most unwholesome, and has caused the death of many a young colonist and soldier, and they asked for a long time – please help the ghosted glows, help their oddly crested animals.


The spectres will be there to help your journey. The sea roared behind the sand cliffs, while the seahorses panted through the deep moaning sand, and, always referred to the rising sundry-salts, not easy, not easy to clean.



The northern lights gleamed through the palm leaves on lemon, orange, and pomegranate trees, and on the trailing vines, that valiantly strained up to the beloved night’s sun, and stretched from tree to tree in graceful festoons of a summer supply of wind turbines. From behind the cliffs appeared the tops of palmistry trees, and presently the purple plumed birds were in the shade of chemical chimera’s grimoires.


Nitrogen dreams are in judgment, about potassium, yes. Filaments of phantasmagoria were in the open spaces between the pale pilaster morass, where memories lay within the orchards, where grew all kinds of fruit trees — peaches, apples, pears, plums, apricots, figs, olives, and many others, and here, the bizarrely striped animals were not heard. The air was pregnant with the scent from the trees philosophers, and plants, add phosphorus and potassium, and you know, people are kissing there.




Beneath the shade of the thick foliage overhead spread the most beautiful green sward, intersected by flowing rivulets of water and small canals, dammed by means of spells and low banks, as in low land irrigation. Ill daemons were by small paths and roads goblins wandered on – the goblins following the turns of the canals, riding sometimes on a narrow track between two banks, and if they then met strange green dappled monkeys on little overladen mules they warily squeezed to pass by them. It was easy to find them, because the vision of umbrellas per hectare was often misleading to the monkeys on those little overladen mules.



There was silence amongst the tree like umbrellas. It seemed that these curiously garbed creatures and their strange animal companions easily demanded a price per hectare, not a book, and not a lot of books about cars. There are many books about cars.


Birds flew from branch to branch, or across the open spaces. Wooden pigeons called, and turtle-gloves chewed, whilst the chaffy-inch fluttered about on the tops of the almond trees, and in the distance the sound of a shout proclaimed that a spirit’s man in a clearing on the borders of the oasis had flung a red hare at a wailing quail, or a partying yellow ridged yurt-kettle. On the extreme border, by the sea, was the tomb of Mazzies-about-Town, built from the ancient remains of the clown coven of olden days, blended with new materials.

The columns supporting the entrance were of new rough carnelian lemon tanzanite stone, with an aggregation of ancient handsome carved caterpillars and cavaliers. In their shade, The Twine Singers danced and sang of The Game of Yoh’h.



Game of Yoh’h moves on –

spectators gather their bets,

light speed game – endless


pick up sticks, knock-knock rock

turn, turn, turn, spin-stick –

how many hairs dancing?



Note: While playing with random text, I selected lines from, The cave dwellers of Southern Tunisia Recollections of a sojourn with the Khalifa of Matmata,(found on Project Gutenberg –SOURCE). Initially, I intended on composing a more Dadaist deconstructed prose poem, but the 1898 text evoked a Dunsanian fantasy. The final composition turned into a blend of a picaresque Dunsany Dreamland narrative and an absurdist surreal dream fragment.

The final image, based on my photograph of some found art, suggested to me a surreal cryptic board game. This in turn prompted the double haiku ending (one haiku with traditional line breaks), of an endless game with nonsensical rules.