Ghostly Graffiti artists in Arkham

As has been reported, there have been Ghostly Graffiti artists active in Arkham. First reported on the Miskatonic campus near the Other-When Portal Department, the artists and their artwork has spread to various parts of this fair city. Please use the highest degree of caution if you happen upon either the artists or their work. Remember both the artists and their graffiti work shift locations randomly during the night. In either case, do not get too close, as the consequence on mental health and dimensional integrity can be quite dramatic.

Please note that there has been confusion over the two photos previously printed in the Shoggoth Examiner. The first photo is that of the Ghostly Graffiti artists, the second is an example of their artwork.


Note: Our photographer, Charles Dexter Chambers, and his family wish to thank all who sent thoughts and prayers. The bombardment of psychic-aether speeded up his recovery. He still on occasion hears Cassilda and The Azgothia Pretty Pretty Boys singing a discordant version of Hotel California.


Weird were stemmed cuticles ~ A Noir Pataphor Parable

Weird were stemmed cuticles

~ A Noir Pataphor Parable ~


Weird were stemmed cuticles – relationships are often spavined – immutable vicegerent. He touched his ear, but it had gone chicane. He planted a middlemost piastre for every vespiary overboast, and the triatomic wind blarneyed his wife with putrefying meridian convivial neologism full of spectres and llamas. He lifted his mesmeric deliquescing bratwurst. He then declaimed a copyrightable tracheal resettlement. A conductible redeposited mistranslating would soon hydrolyze, because other overhanded semiotics knew radishes and unremembered taffrails.


If you’re patient, don’t you have a soul? A tactual cullet was coming toward him down the slender paseo of the rushy-lined approach—a skrimished, buoyant overphilosophized chackle. Monoclonal trephine detected slung, silk-clad barnacles, as unmarred chazan drew disgregating. As a squeezable foie and he knew, tattered preoperated canonicate was ineffectual. Welded sinistrality hazed the pellet, but hardbound carioca was unpronounceable kluck. Living with knockabout dynast – Abominable business. Isn’t that important?


Mensurable ferroconcrete caused enolization. And winy autoradiographs waltzed by sawn roots that wore neat, high-heeled shoes that were very trig and basiating. Hemp waffled the mortise joint and proximal shad-bush as mortar boswellized. Hairy Bones was an expert on the latest styles of sequential hallucinosis, for he was by profession, an infrasonic thermomotor. But there was in his appraising regard of this particular pair, on this particular morning, a sloop that was not wholly impersonally professional.



As the stauncher outmoded him, Hairy Bones raised his dielectric metaphor to interwed arpeggios. Phrasing sheep were very cumulus communistic, with curving flips and salted poetics, unconsummated sky-sails blowing slowly about presubsisted gears. He smelted a frankincense, a comrady sort of bile he felted with the need to overcome the archaic icon, which is such a stultifying amnesic fluid. Percolating dermal disseizin gravitated towards hydrolyses allusions, which, in turn, lead to the attraction of a dissonance between deforestation and poetry, which hyperventilated impurity and bailable chicalote for everyone. Weak moss and ferns often represented at the end of flour lectures that boasts shortcomings in the barren pearls of unexploited photoemission safety probiotics that seemed to be inundating the orbit of lunar unquieting – then penetrated someone with expressive alliteration – painted a picture of luxury and lute past tense, other than over-rent brushes of the flans and duet serfs, in a cone of illusions.





The pataphor composition was created by using word collage. Random words were inserted into paragraphs, replacing various words. Paragraphs were taken from different books found on Project Gutenberg. The photo scenes from European Silent Films were taken from The Soul of The Moving Picture by Walter Julius Bloem, which can be found on Project Gutenberg (Link).