Absurdist Tuesday ~ Be Knot Confused

Living north of the U.S.A. (United States of Absurdistan), gives one an uncomfortably close seat to witness the American experiment in performance art democracy (political theatre is absurdist, and the judicial system risks becoming a puritanical Kafkaesque 1950s sitcom by Rod Serling). So greetings to all who are awash in the cacophony of American social media & news wars, Be Knot Confused.

They call the Democratic and Republican Parties, Big Tent Parties, because they each try to contain a wide range of beliefs and political perspective within the boundaries of each party’s political platform/agenda (Americans have had trouble with irony for much of their history – all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness ~ *** if you are white and own property.)

Do you know what goes with a Big Tent? That great American live performance event, The Three Ring Circus. (Includes Trained Elephants, Loud Donkeys, and Gaggling Geese.)

Jules Léotard (1 August 1838 – 16 August 1870) was a French acrobatic performer and aerialist who developed the art of trapeze. He also created and popularized the one-piece gym wear that now bears his name and inspired the 1867 song “The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze”, sung by George Leybourne.  It was performed by Dick Powell in the 1934 film “Twenty Million Sweethearts”.


Asemic Greeting cards can be purchased from the barker at the Outer Limits Sideshow, over in the Twilight Zone.

2 thoughts on “Absurdist Tuesday ~ Be Knot Confused

    1. elmediat

      -and a Ringmaster to control your attention. Here, in Canada, The Liberal Party has managed to hold on to the mushy middle – when things get tricky with a minority government, The NDP (our Socially Left) support them, while trying to move things further along with progessive social reform. The Progressive Conservative Party dropped the “Progressive”, and became The Conservative Party of Canada. It struggles to find footing, moving further right – RepubiCanadians. 😦

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