Absurdist Tuesday: Lights Camera Action ?

Hashtag Games – #OddThingsThatKeepMeAwake

Focaccia infused with caffeine and toppings of magic mushrooms, black olives, and wine soaked apricots.

End up running to the washroom all night – the hallway keeps stretching out, as the Minotaur, Jackolope, and The Sasquatch do the old soft shoe while they drunkenly sing, Some of These Days, with the ghost of Sophie Tucker. Won’t make that mistake again, next time no black olives!


Are tiger rags an endangered species,

or just cryptids ?

The movie, Jesus Thirsts, has opened in theatres.  I think it is by the same folks that did, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey.

Batiks, and How to catch them by Selena Kyle

According to Variety, Jurassic World 4 could be titled Jurassic City and is described as “a completely fresh take launching a new Jurassic era, following three adults (The Skipper, Gilligan, and The Professor) and three teens (Hispanic Maria-Anne, wealthy boy Thurston Howell III, influencer Ginger) getting stuck on the Island.” Universal is currently planning filming locations in Thailand, Malta and the U.K..

Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out 2 had its first full day of play at the international box office last Wednesday, with No. 1 starts in each of its eight material markets. Israel gave the film the biggest Pixar opening day ever with $414K. Gaza audiences were less enthusiastic.

3 thoughts on “Absurdist Tuesday: Lights Camera Action ?

    1. elmediat

      Many thanks, just some of my nonsense – when I saw the bit about the movie doing “so well” in Israel, my first thought wa “meanwhile in Gaza”. Then when I saw th picture in the Guardian photos of the week, I knew I had a perfect illustration. Laughing is the best medicine, but with the absurd sickness the globe is slipping into , we need lots of medicine, sometimes with a slightly ironic bitterness.

      Our area is on the outer edge of the heat dome, conditions are still liveable, but we could no longer keep the house cool without the addition of air conditioning – at least we have it available, unlike many others elsewhere in the world. Take care.

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